Friday, June 23, 2006

Ask Sarcastica

Every Friday we're going to do a little something new... the Dear Sarcastica advice column. Feel free to send in your questions to get some thoughtful advice!

Dear Sarcastica,
I’m having problems printing. Have any ideas?

Dear Dinkless,
Printing as in hand-writing or printing with a computer printer? I ask because…I DON’T CARE! First, phrase questions clearly as to ensure that people know what you are asking and second, call friggin tech support.

Dear Sarcastica,
My boss is a jerk. What should I do?

Dear Twinkie,
Everyone’s boss is a jerk. No matter how cool your boss may be on one thing or another, your boss is a jerk on something.

Here are your choices:

  1. Stop whining
  2. Whine to someone who cares
  3. Become self-employed
  4. Get promoted and torture others

Dear Sarcastica,
How casual is work-casual?

Dear Cracky,
It’s all about context. Do you work on a beach? Do you work for a CEO? I mean seriously, look at the other people you work with and find a happy medium.

Dear Sarcastica,
I’m trying to lose weight. What do you recommend?
Full-figured gal

Dear Fabulous,
Don’t lose weight. Skinny people are miserable. Sure, you won’t live as long, but how great is your life right now? Remember food = good, skinny = cranky.

Dear Sarcastica,
I think my boyfriend is cheating on me. Help.

Dear STD catcher,
He is.

Tune in next week when our own Sarcastica answers your questions!


At 10:45 PM, Blogger Cookie said...

Dear Sarcastica,

I really enjoyed today's tidbits.

At 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sarcastica,

I love my son very much, but last October I let him move in with me after he came back from Denver to help him get back on his feet. Well its been 9 months and he is still here. He has not had to pay anything because I want him to save the money to get his own place. I have had enough though I am ready for him to leave and have told him so.I even gave him a time limit. He was supposeto be out on July 1 its now the 10th he is still here. I am going to get ugly if he doesnt get out. Help!


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